Sunday, July 24, 2005

Google Earth

"Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips," explains the Google Earth website. It builds on a combination of mapping, GIS and satellite imagery to build a comprehensive 3d interface that covers the globe. Both useful and frightening at the same time...

Google Earth site

Art science crossover: Joseph Nechtval

A true rennaissance man, Joseph Nechtval marries interests in art, technology and media. Some of his work involves generating pieces of art using robots.

One of his recent art exhibitions: Viral Counter Attack
An interview with him: click here.
His bio: click here

Thanks to the Biota list for this info.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Kids and virtual worlds

An interesting approach to education from a teacher involved in a portal I work on - Linda Giannini, a teacher, educational researcher and scholar, explains her work with 3-5 year old children, using virtual worlds. The work as it involves children interacting in tri-dimensional chatspaces with adults, who are willing to "virtually" create – with 3D constructions – the children’s desires.

Kids and Virtual Worlds - full article

Science education portal:

Download a paper that Karl Sarnow and I wrote about Xplora here.