Monday, July 20, 2009

Educational Technology Debate: low cost devices for developing countries

Educational Technology Debate (ETD) "exploring ICT and learning in developing countries" has been launched by UNESCO and InfoDev following the World Summit for the Information Society stakeholder meeting in Geneva last year.

The current topic is computer ratios: will 1:1 generate new models of education? The key experts are Mark Beckford (Ncomputing) and Walter Bender (MIT/OLPC/Sugar Labs).

Over the next months, the ETD site will host debates on a range of key ICT in education issues such as:
  • Free and open source software vs. proprietary solutions

  • How can ICT excite girls and boys?

  • Unintended consequences of ICT in education

Experts are invited to send in articles or to share views with others via the commenting features. The editors include Mike Trucano (World Bank) and Wayan Vota (OLPC/Inveneo) so the debate is sure to be engaging and high quality.

1 comment:

debatepopular said...

The most interesting project for developing countries and in my case is the project sudamerica Ceibal developed in Uruguay in which all students have access to technology.